Information Security | Careem


Security at Careem

Careem is committed to protecting you against the growing threats of internet scams, identity theft, and malicious fraud. Our priority is to keep your personal information private, safe and secure.

Person using careem app in secure way

Safeguarding information is a shared responsibility

Beware of Internet scams and phishing. Phishing is a very common cybercrime that needs no technical skills. Scammers posing as legitimate and reputable entities use fraudulent methods to trick you into revealing sensitive information such as passwords, personal information, credit card details and other financial information.

Careem customer using careem everything app

Suspect Fraud? Report it immediately!

While we endeavor to provide our customers with the best service and benefits, it’s also important to us that they are safe from any kind of security risk and fraud. If you notice that you have been a victim of a phishing attack or fraud and you are concerned about your Careem account, we urge you to immediately report such incidents to our Customer Care team via the Help tab on the app or here under Cyber Security service.

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